Hello lovely readers. Hope you’re good.

If we have not met this month, I want to use this opportunity to give you a warm welcome to my birth month. This month, I’ll be sharing a bit of my story to inspire us all on our journey of intentionality. 

Let’s start with a LOVE STORY. Shall we?

“Love is sweet when you are with the right person”, this is a quote I heard years back and I didn’t realize how true it is till I experienced it. I still remember, it feels like yesterday, how we met. Thinking about it now makes me blush. 

I had heard about Him, I knew He existed but we had not spoken before. Honestly, I never thought He would have the time to talk to someone like me. I mean, He has a class and I knew I didn’t match up.

I was talking to a friend of mine, Chris, and he mentioned His name saying He had moved into his neighborhood and that he had spoken with Him a couple of times already. 

“Oh wow!”, I exclaimed.

“You must be a very top notch dude, I envy you”, I replied.

“Would you like to say hi to Him sometime when you come around?”, Chris asked me. 

“No way! Are you sure He would like to speak with me?”, I replied.

“Of course”, he answered and he was so sure. I was getting chills already.

Fast forward, Chris introduced us one day and I realized He is a very nice person. Despite His class He is friendly and willing to relate with anyone I mean, anyone at all if only you will give Him the chance. 

I didn’t hesitate at all when He finally proposed. YEEEESSSS! What else was there to think about? I had been waiting for this. I said YES and I have not regretted doing so. There are times I get on His nerves and though He is grieved, He manages to find a way of restoring our relationship. He is very sweet but sometimes the acts of service I need to do to keep our relationship going are not sweet, I must confess. Our relationship is far more important to me and it’s worth going out of my comfort zone to preserve it. He’s proven to me time and again that He is Mr. Right and I’m not letting Him go.

At this point, I know you can’t wait to hear His name. Relax! I gotcha. If you are on my contact list, then you might have seen me write about Him on my whatsapp status. His name is SHS (Sweet Holy Spirit). Yeah! You read that right. Who else were you expecting? Lolx 

I’m a Christian and a proud one at that and if you are too, you have definitely heard about the Holy Spirit. He is the 3rd person of the Godhead and the one who is with us now in this dispensation. His work became more evident in our life only after Jesus had ascended. You can read more about Him in these scripture references (John 16:5-15, Romans 8:26, John 14:15-17, 1 Corinthians 12:1-22, 2 Corinthians 3:17-18).

The Holy Spirit is our greatest advantage as Christians but it’s sad that most Christians do not have a relationship with Him. Some even think it’s not possible to have such a relationship with Him. I can relate with that because I have been there before. I had been a Christian for a longer period but it wasn’t until 2018 that I began to develop a relationship with the Holy Spirit.

It all started when my friend Chris, gave me a book to read that changed the entire trajectory of my Christian experience. Thank you Chris. The book is “Good Morning Holy Spirit” and the author is Benny Hinn. Kindly read it if you haven’t, it will bless your life.

I admired the relationship Benny Hinn had with the Holy Spirit as described in the book and I wanted that too. I prayed a simple but powerful prayer. “Dear Holy Spirit, help me to develop a relationship with you”. I kept praying this prayer till it became a reality in my life alongside reading about Him in the Bible and listening to messages preached about Him.

This is my favorite scripture about Him. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future. John 16:13 (NLT). 

I was convinced I can have a speaking relationship with Him so I started talking to Him and expecting Him to talk back. When I began my relationship with Him, it was nothing like what I have with Him now. I had to grow and He patiently taught me How to relate with Him and He still does. This is a lifetime relationship that will even continue after death because death will bring me closer to Him. 


Oh boi! I can’t finish talking about this today but I will try. I’m at a point in my life where I am very fulfilled about the present and more excited about the future, not because I am in charge or I have everything sorted out and not that I do not have bad days or down moments but I have a best friend who is in charge of everything there is; the past, present and future.

 Silver and gold are His, I mean what can I possibly worry about. I just need to cast all my burdens on Him, as and when they come and I get solutions to them according to His will and timing. Sometimes it gets scary but my confidence is in the fact that He is in charge. 

On  January 4, 2022, we were having our usual morning conversation when He told me to start this blog. I didn’t know what to expect but He has been directing me every step of the way. I talk to Him about everything; my fears, my feelings, my happy moments and basically everything. This includes the clothes to wear, what to write during an assignment or exams, which school to attend, who to choose as a friend etc. 

I have been keeping my natural hair for 8 years and at one point, I wanted to cut my hair and keep it short. I told Him about it and He said NO! He didn’t give me a reason then but I understood Him when He started opening local and international doors for me because of my hair. EssyMens Naturals, my natural hair coaching business also came out of this same hair on my head, imagine I had not listened to Him. Most of you reading this blog post came to know me because of my hair business and others too, because you saw a friend share this blog. 

If you are on my whatsapp broadcast list, you are aware I gave you all the opportunity to ask me any question and I was going to answer here on this blog because it’s my birth month. My birthday was on the 7th and thanks to y’all for celebrating with me. You can drop your questions in the comment or send me a dm on Instagram. I just finished answering a question someone asked me, WHO IS SHS? And what has my relationship with Him been like?

So now to the next question. How can someone develop a relationship with SHS?

  • You first need to be a born again Christian (Romans 10:9-10, John 3:16)
  • You only get an answer when you ask a question. Ask Him to teach you how to relate with Him.
  • Study the scriptures, because He will not tell you anything which is contrary to the scripture. If you don’t know the scriptures, you wouldn’t know if the voice you are hearing is that of His or from the devil or your own mind.
  • Keep a circle of people who have a relationship with SHS. This will help you grow in your endeavor to know Him more. You should have people in your circle that when something happens, you can tell them,  Hey, I’m confused right now, I don’t know which of these two guys to choose because they are all Christians and very nice people but I’m going to talk to SHS about it. I need to know what He is saying about them. You should be able to tell them this and they should get it and not laugh at you or mock you that you are doing this Christianity thing too much. I am glad I have a circle where I can freely talk to them about SHS. I mean He comes up in most of our conversations.
  • OBEDIENCE: Yeah! This had to be in capitals because it’s very necessary. When you go to Him on a certain matter, have the patience to wait to hear what He will say. Then you need to be ready to follow through what He will tell you. To be honest, not all the things He tells you to do are pleasant but to keep this loving relationship going, you need to obey. It’s always worth it to obey, you’ll appreciate it later. 
  • Don’t GRIEVE Him (Ephesians 4:30). He is a person and can withdraw when you grieve Him. Trust me,  you don’t want to experience that, it’s not funny. 

IMPORTANT: SHS is very sweet, He can give you a pleasant surprise, something you didn’t even pray about or talked to Him about. He sure answers your prayers too. There’s joy in Him, I have experienced it in multiple folds. He pampers me and treats me like an only child. He’s too good.

Have I told you guys SHS actually told me which school to apply to for my graduate studies?

Catch me on the next episode for more gist. 

What did you learn today? Do you have a question for me? Drop it in the comment section and let’s keep the vibe going. Join the train if you have not. 





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Barbara Mensah
Barbara Mensah
Articles: 40


  1. Awwww, this is beautiful and interesting. I bet you have the best friend. I was blushing while reading it. Sweet Holy Spirit,I love you.
    Looking forward for more of this.

  2. Wow, I tot it was our lovely boyfriend….Lol😂 But after reading I am convinced that SHS is the Mr. Right over any other person. You have to get it right with him before your relationship with others can work. Esi God richly bless you for always inspiring us. 💕 💕

  3. It was worth reading this.
    I enjoyed knowing your personal relationship with the Holy spirit.
    May the Holy spirit draw more closer to most of us despite how sinful we may be

    • Thanks for reading Portia. Kindly get the book I talked about to read and also read the Bible references. +233545650520 here’s my contact you can reach me via WhatsApp.

  4. Sweet Holy Spirit.
    We can’t stop loving him.
    The best relationship you can ever have.

    God bless you Barbs

  5. I really want to have an intimate relationship with the holy spirit and I’ve been praying about this but I still can’t feel the presence of the holy spirit in my life though I read my Bible, I pray, etc.

  6. Sweet Holy Spirit😍. Thanks for making us understand that he is so real and we need to develop a strong relationship with him❤…Sweet Holy Spirit, let’s go na here I come🔥😍

    • Firstly, I pray (talk to Him) with the desire to hear back. And He does answer, sometimes through the word of God, a whisper, through someone else among others. He has trained me to hear His voice and I am certain of it because whatever He has told me before has a scriptural backing.

  7. He is a precious friend that I won’t trade for gold.

    Thank you Ms. Barbara for allowing the Holy Spirit to use you to teach the world about a treasure like Him.

    I am particularly excited about this blog because I know people will get the golden opportunity to know about the treasure God has given us through the blog.
    Thank you 😊

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