I’m so excited about our new land (this website). Thank you all for the support and the congratulatory messages, we did it together. Now, join me and let’s test the microphone on this new land. Shall we?

Our focus this month is SISTER-SHIP. At The Intentional Lady, Sister-ship, means having a friend in a sister or a sister in a friend. We want to go beyond just having a biological sister, we intentionally want to find a friend in our sisters, and on the other end, find or be a friend you can call a sister. 

The Intentional Lady is not an island, she needs others in her boat to succeed. And key among such people she needs is a sister, whether biological or not. I don’t believe in the saying that “women are their own enemies”. Fine, you might have had unpleasant experiences with some women in your life, but maybe the fault wasn’t entirely the other person’s. It could be that you talked too much, or you were talking to the wrong person, or you had never done a relationship audit before.

I believe with the right relationship and friendship with a sister figure in your life, you can go very far. I’m a living testament of this, I have an army of “sisters” who have contributed immensely to my growth. And we believe you will find such in The Intentional Lady Community.

This month, we are going to host people who have amazing sister-ships, glean from them and become more intentional about our own sister-ships. And the first person I’m hosting is my big sister. Make some noise for her. 

BM: I’m honoured to have her here, whoooosh. She teaches English  (that explains my proficiency in English, sis won’t give you the space to speak bad English lolx). We were actually supposed to be twins, (because there is a very striking resemblance) but she was impatient and came 6 years earlier. She didn’t seek my consent before she started mentoring me, she was my first mentor by default. She is Mrs. Sophia Baidoo but I prefer calling her Sophie.  Sooooppphhiiieee, you’re welcome to The Intentional Lady blog, we’re happy to have you here.

SB: Thanks sis, for having me on this honourable platform. I must tell you that I’m super proud of you. Soar higher babe!

BM: Awwwn.  So tell me, what does being a sister mean to you?

SB: Well, being a sister (biological) first and foremost is by chance or by calling if you like, because the Bible says in Proverbs 17:17 that a friend loves at all times but a brother is born for adversity. You don’t choose to be a sister, whether big or little. All you know is you have a sibling(s) and so you are one. Again, it means, I have a playmate, gossip mate, fighting mate and in short, a companion.

BM: Mmmmm. How does it feel to be a big sister and a little sister at the same time

SB: Haha! Interesting. Every calling comes with responsibilities and privileges. As a little sister, you need to serve your elders well, in humility and obedience so as to attract blessings. In the same vein, if you are an elder sister, you owe it a duty to be a good example to the younger ones to emulate. You need to protect them from all physical harm and let them build trust in you to be there for them always. Practically, it’s not easy, because I need to be different persons at the same time. At one point I have to be that child that has to run errands for big sisters and at one point I have a younger one to boss over a little. At one point, I have to be that little sister that needs to grow up and at the same time I have to be a grown up for my younger sister to learn from. 

BM: I see, I thought it would be easy, thank God I didn’t have to go through that. Did you really say boss over a little, you are still bossing over me right now. Hahaha. Which one of the two do you enjoy being?

SB: Honestly, I love being a big sister very much. The first reason is that I didn’t get to enjoy my big sisters very much mostly due to the fact that we all didn’t stay at the same place for a long time. Again, I have the most amazing little sister one can ever ask for. She’s sweet, obedient, and always bringing the best in me. My younger sister is someone who was always first in class, therefore, I couldn’t be last in class to save myself from humiliation.  Hahaha. 

BM: At this point, someone should please tell my mother I need a little sister, I want to experience how it feels to be a big sister so badly. 

SB: Are you sure about that, mum is way past menopause.

BM: What God cannot do does not exist. But lowkey, I enjoy being the last born. Lolx. Let’s move on. What are some of the lovely moments you have experienced by being a sister

SB: A lot of them, I remember when we would come together to joke around and tease one another.  At senior high school, my big sister was there to protect me from mean seniors. Growing up together was fun and now that we are all grown up and miles apart, we always have something to laugh about when we call each other or meet up at a family gathering. 

BM: Since you enjoy being a big sister, tell me your fondest memory of me as your little sister.

SB: Mmmmhhh! I can’t count but basically, by God’s grace, right from childhood, you have been the ‘most brilliant’ in the family, chalking one academic success to the other and whenever we attended your “our day” you would be announced either the overall best or second in class. Also, anytime you ask for money or any help from me, you just say, “God bless you” even before I can respond, therefore giving me no option than to yield. But I was swollen headed the whole day when you recently messaged me telling me how much I had imparted your Christian life by buying you your first devotional guide. I felt I had arrived, Hahaha. 

BM: Oh yes! It was Our Daily Bread – 2012, 10 years already. Huh! If you had the chance to choose a little sis all over again, would you choose me? 

SB: Why not? In fact, I will choose you over and over. With the virtuous woman you have become by the grace of God, who wouldn’t? Seriously, growing up with you has been just fun and proud moments. You didn’t actually give me much problems to deal with except that when you were in kindergarten, I couldn’t get you to say ‘green’ which you said it’s ‘gleen’ just because your teacher said so. Hehehe. I want to tell you dear sis that keep being yourself baby girl!

BM: But why would you say my teacher is wrong? (This is what happens when your teacher has a difficulty in pronouncing “r” lolx.) What advice would you give to someone who is a big sister or will soon be one? 

SB: What I have to say is, there is a reason God puts us at places and positions. Whether your young ones succeed or not depends largely on you. You are the direct footprints they step into in this life, if you are successful, they will follow suit. If you respect others, they will too. If you are wayward, they will be too. I always tell my students that they will be the reason their younger ones will want to make it in life or not make it in life. Anyhow your life turns out,  directly affects your younger ones. So be intentional. 

BM: Interesting. Thanks for agreeing to do this. God bless you. It was fun taking me down memory lane.

SB: Anytime sis, Keep it up. 

Whoosh! Sis, I hope you enjoyed the read, and you are going to be more intentional about being a sister. 


Let’s take one intentional step towards being a sister today. Before you go to bed, take some time, think about your journey as a sister (biological or not), take your phone and call or text another sister. Send her an appreciation note, tell her how she has impacted your life, (be specific) and how grateful you are to have her. 

When you finish, come and drop “I DID IT” in the comments section. I’ll be back to read them. Also, don’t forget to SHARE to bless others. Until next time, be intentional about your sister-ships. 

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Barbara Mensah
Barbara Mensah
Articles: 37


  1. It’s so unfortunate that I never had any warm relationship with my sister as we were growing up. There was soo much unhealthy competition between us. Being the youngest was tough. But I learnt to let go and be extremely accommodating. And u know God knows best. Now, we have a story of love and grace to tell on how God takes charge of distorted situations and turns them into glorious atmosphere. .. indeed an era of sistership is yet to rise

  2. “You are the direct footprints they step into in this life, if you are successful, they will follow suit. If you respect others, they will too”. Thanks for sharing WoG

  3. Hmmm…I love the topic for this month Wow great conversation. For me,I had a bad relationship with my sister growing up I loved her so much as her big sis but I was always beating her. I remember we used to talk in the house but we pass by each other when we see ourselves in school. People were always wondering whether we were real sisters. And all our life we’ve been to the same school from kindergarten to university, I know God wanted us to work on our relationship.
    I thank God I have a great relationship with her now.
    God richly bless you Babs and Congratulations too

  4. Wow nice piece. The role of big siblings cannot be overlooked. SHS told me one day that he brought them to lead the way, do they could bring me through a better path.
    Thank you paaaaa 🙂

  5. It so sad I do not have a biological younger sister and an elder sister. However, in God’s marvelous plans, he placed me among a strong community of young women making purposeful impact in lives. I must say through this community I have come to develop strong relationship with others who have taken me as a sister and have made unforgettable impact in my life.

  6. I’m so blessed to be part of this family. Infact I am learning something. But I want you@Barbs to be my big sister.☺️ God bless you for the teachings. 🙏🙏💖

    • awwwwwwwww..Chaii…U two always put smiles on ma face when I hear from U💋..aww Barbs U r one in a million 👍✌️..I saw de best in U whn I read an essay from U..(Sunday sch diaries)…🤞…no wonder I chose U to support me in de teaching field whn I was schooling..aww everyone attested that U were xtra O….(that was after her SHS Education)..God bless U more Barbs
      🙏..Hey..Sophie shez also ma kid sis too ooo💃💃🥰😀…U do all..that was fantastic 👍…God bless U all…missing U 2 already oo💋💋💋💋💋

      • Awwwwwnnn Good to hear from you, my size less Sunday school.
        You really took me down memory lane.
        Good old days. Thank you madam. Thank you for reading.

  7. Woow
    Thank you Sister Sophie for sharing.
    Just imagining her saying gleen 😄 🤣

    Sisters, whether elder or younger, we have a duty to carry out.

  8. Thanks very much for enlightening us on this great topic…growing up too there wasn’t any mutual relationship between my younger sister and me but we have grown up to work on our differences… so great thanks so much for this powerful message

  9. Haha. Barbara your Sis is proud of you and I am proud of you both.
    I love your gleen theme…is it going to be featuring on this platform?

  10. More than inspiring Babs😊. It’s sometimes good to have a true sister and also believe in the sister -ship

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